Patients currently in care
Species currently in care
Patients admitted so far this year

(as of 06/25/2024)

At TWC, no wild animal is forgotten – including at-risk turtles. Every life saved makes a big difference to the survival of their species. In this special short documentary created by our very own, watch (until the end, you won’t regret it!) as our team does all they can to help each one.

Watch more videos of wild lives being saved

Wildlife Stories / Recent Stories

Pollinator Gardening Comes to Toronto Wildlife Centre

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On October 1st, Toronto Wildlife Centre (TWC) and Project Swallowtail launched a pollinator garden initiative with a beautiful garden installation. For those not familiar with Project Swallowtail, it is a...

Make Your Gift Giving Go Wild!

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By Victoria Badham, Education and Outreach Manager at TWC So often, the gifts we give and receive around the holidays go unused, underused, given away, or even worse, sent to…

Fall Migration – Don’t Miss This “Window” of Opportunity to Keep Birds Safe in Your Yard

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By: Victoria Badham, Education and Outreach Thud – the gut-wrenching sound of a bird flying hard into a window. Thud. It’s estimated that 25 million birds die from window strikes…

I Found an Animal Who Needs Help But TWC is Closed – What Do I Do?

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TWC is open every day from 9am – 6pm (including weekends and most holidays). If we are closed when you find the animal, please leave a message on our hotline…